Prep: none
Shhhhhhhh. I'm not telling what we had for dinner tonight.
I got home from work at 3:30ish and Charlie still was not asleep--he goes down at 3PM. I really needed a nap, I was so exhausted. So I lay down. A few minutes later I hear a crash in Charlie's room. I go running in, and he has ripped his painting off the wall. He looks at me, and I see his little face crumpling. He must have scared himself.
I picked him up and cuddled him in his rocking chair for a few minutes. I put him back in his crib, and I went back to lie down. He cried for a couple minutes, not wanting to nap. But, within a couple minutes, he was asleep.
Ten minutes after that, freaking UPS rings the doorbell. (This is the THIRD time they ignored our sign asking for people to knock softly and not ring the bell, and after the first time a couple weeks ago when they did this, the sign that had been up since OCTOBER conveniently disappeared.) So, of course, Charlie was up again. I left him for a few minutes, but there was no way that he was going back to sleep. I went and got him up, and we cuddled on the couch and then played with toys.
I saw time passing. I had sausages defrosted. By 5:15, I was thinking, "I really don't want to make dinner." I knew Matt would be coming home soon. So, when Matt got home, Matt went back out to get us some food.
Now, I will not tell you what we had, but if you can guess by the picture, then you may know the answer.
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