Monday, March 26, 2012

From the Baby Shower

Because this is mainly a food blog, I wont post a bunch of pictures of my lovely friend, her family, the beautiful gifts, or decorations. I will focus on the food.

The meal was staged as a tea, and I had a lot of help. The main dish I made was finger sandwiches. My mom helped a lot, and we made four varieties: cucumber cream cheese, egg salad, salmon, and curried chicken. The curried chicken is one we picked up from attending teas at higher echelon establishments. It is delicious, lightly curried chicken with raisins and a bit of mayo. And there is something about the way my mom makes her salmon, even though it is made with the same canned salmon I use, that is to die for.
I also prepared a tray with high protein nibblies: cheese (Havarti, Monterey Jack, and Cheddar), sausage rolls made fresh (with help from Pilsbury), and olives and gherkins.  

My friend, Maureen, knows I love her extra now though. I baked her TWO products, as readers already saw: mini-cupcakes and owl cookies (the shower was owl themed). The cupcakes were butter pecan flavor with cream cheese icing, coated in coconut, with two mini-eggs on top to look like a nest. The cookies were cinnamon sugar cookies, with an almond for the beak and two chocolate chips for eyes.

Other guests brought lovely treats as well. My grandma did deviled eggs. A sister of the mom-to-be did veggies and dip and fruit. The other sister and mother did sushi. The other grandma-to-be did an almond puff pastry and mini-cheesecakes, which I had three of, oops! An auntie did a layered dip and brought a lovely lemon cake. Another auntie did all the dishes, cutlery, napkins, small snacks, etc. A friend did the cold beverages (and wine, lots of wine). It really was a group effort.

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