Because this is mainly a food blog, I wont post a bunch of pictures of my lovely friend, her family, the beautiful gifts, or decorations. I will focus on the food.
I also prepared a tray with high protein nibblies: cheese (Havarti, Monterey Jack, and Cheddar), sausage rolls made fresh (with help from Pilsbury), and olives and gherkins.
My friend, Maureen, knows I love her extra now though. I baked her TWO products, as readers already saw: mini-cupcakes and owl cookies (the shower was owl themed). The cupcakes were butter pecan flavor with cream cheese icing, coated in coconut, with two mini-eggs on top to look like a nest. The cookies were cinnamon sugar cookies, with an almond for the beak and two chocolate chips for eyes.
Other guests brought lovely treats as well. My grandma did deviled eggs. A sister of the mom-to-be did veggies and dip and fruit. The other sister and mother did sushi. The other grandma-to-be did an almond puff pastry and mini-cheesecakes, which I had three of, oops! An auntie did a layered dip and brought a lovely lemon cake. Another auntie did all the dishes, cutlery, napkins, small snacks, etc. A friend did the cold beverages (and wine, lots of wine). It really was a group effort.
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