Monday, February 13, 2012

Winner, winner: slow cooker chicken dinner

Cost: approx. $15, but there is starch left for tomorrow, and meat for Wednesday night

Prep time: 15 minutes day 1, 30 minutes day 2

Confession: my slow cooker is rarely used. Tonight, we tested making a chicken dinner in it. Well, actually it started yesterday....

During nap time, I cut up the potatoes and veggies (carrots, onion, celery, and red pepper), and I put them in a Zip-loc bag.

Naked chicken. Someone put some seasoning on that thing stat! It is indecent.
This morning, before 8AM, I put the chicken, sack o'stuff, package of French onion soup mix, and 1/2 a cup of water in the slow cooker.

How are you in there Mr. Chicken? Raw? Well, hang in there.
Then, voila! 5PM, beans are steamed, gravy is graved, and Stove Top is made. Yes, I polluted the meal with Stove Top, but it is a comfort food for us. Interestingly enough though, I couldn't even stand the smell of it when I was pregnant  with Charlie. I also don't add the margarine, which saves a few calories.

The meal was delicious. Our house smells great, and we had all sorts of time to play before hand!

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